Polo de Ecología Fluvial


Publicaciones Científicas

2019. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., D’ANATRO, VIDAL, N., STEBNIKI, S., TESITORE, G., SILVA, S., & F. TEIXEIRA DE MELLO. Origin of fish biomass in a diverse subtropical river: allochthonic-supported biomass increase following flood pulses. Ecosystems. En prensa.

2019. Vidal, N., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I, NAYA, D. The effect of fasting on nutritional status, organs size and isotopic composition in a Neotropical fish species (Jenynsia multidentata). Hydrobiologia, 828 (1):73-78

2018. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I, P.B. KRISTENSEN, A. BAATRUP-PEDERSEN, E.A. KRISTENSEN, A. ALNOEE, T. RIIS. Riparian forest modifies fueling sources for stream food webs but not food chain length in lowland streams of Denmark. Hydrobiologia, 805(1):291-310. doi: 10.1007/s10750-017-3313-1

2018. DAVIDSON T.A, S. WETTERICH, K.L. JOHANSEN, B. GRØNNOW, T. WINDIRSCH, E. JEPPESEN, J. SYVYRÄNTA, J. OLSEN, I. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, A. STRUNK, N.K. LARSEN, H. MEYER, J. SØNDERGAARD, R. DIETZ,  I. EULEARS, A. MOSBECH  (2018) The history of seabird colonies and the North Water ecosystem: Contributions from palaeoecological and archaeological evidence, AMBIO, 2018 , v.: 47 2 , p.:175 – 192

2018. A.CARLOZZI, L. BIDEGARAY-BATISTA, I. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, A. AISENBERG. Flying sand-dwelling spiders: aerial dispersal in Allocosa marindia and Allocosa senex (Araneae: Lycosidae). Journal of Arachnology 46 (1)-.

2017. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I; K.L. JOHANSSON, A MOSBECH, F. LANDKILDEHUS, E. JEPPESEN, T. DAVIDSON (2017) Small birds, big effects: The Little Auk (Alle alle) transforms high arctic ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Science. 284: 1849-1849, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2572.

2017. IGLESIAS C., MEERHOFF M., JOHANSSON LS., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I., MAZZEO N., PACHECO JP., TEIXEIRA-DE MELLO F., LAURIDSEN TL., SØNDERGAARD M., DAVIDSON TA., JEPPESEN E. Stable isotope analysis confirms substantial differences between subtropical and temperate shallow lake food webs. Hydrobiologia, 784: 111-123

2017. DING, N, YANG, W., ZHOU, Y., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., ZHANG, J., CHEN, K., VIDAL, N., JEPPESEN, E., LIU, Z., WANG, B.  Different responses of functional traits and diversity of stream macroinvertebrates to environmental and spatial factors in the Xishuangbanna watershed of the upper Mekong River Basin, China. Science of The Total Environment 574: 288-299.

2017. Lucas, C.M., Ceroni, M., Baeza, S., Brazeiro, A. & Muñoz, A.A. Time-scale dependent effects of climate variability on productivity of riparian and upland woodlands in Uruguay. 2o Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 192-205.

2016. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I., MEERHOFF M., VIDAL N., TEIXEIRA DE-MELLO F., GOYENOLA G., LOPEZ A., JEPPESEN, E. Potential drivers of seasonal shifts in fish omnivory in a subtropical stream. Hydrobiología 768: 183-196.

2016. LOUREIRO M., ZARUCKI M., MALABARBA L., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I. A new species of Gymnogeophagus from the middle and lower Rio Uruguay basin and coastal drainages of Uruguay (Teleostei: Cichliformes). Neotropical ichthyology 14(1): e150082.

2016. Lucas, C.M., P. Sheikh, P.R. Gagnon, & D.G. McGrath. How livestock and flooding mediate the ecological integrity of working forests in Amazon River floodplains. Ecological Applications 26(1): 190–202.

2015. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I., VIDAL N., WANG B., NING D., LIU Z., JEPPESEN E., MEERHOFF M. 2014. General validation of formalin-preserved fish samples in foodweb studies using stable isotopes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6:307-314.

2015. TEIXEIRA DE MELLO, F., MEERHOFF, M., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., KRISTENSEN E.A., BATTRUPP- PEDERSEN, A., JEPPESEN E. Influence of riparian forest on fish assemblages in temperate lowland streams (Denmark). Environmental Biology of Fishes. 99:133-144.

2015. GOYENOLA G.,  MEERHOFF M., TEIXEIRA-DE MELLO F., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I., GRAEBER D., FOSALBA C., VIDAL N., MAZZEO N., OVESEN N.B., JEPPESEN E., KRONVANG, B. 2015, Phosphorus dynamics in lowland streams as a response to climatic, hydrological and agricultural land use gradients . Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 12(3): 3349-3390.

2015. RAEBER D., GOYENOLA G., MEERHOFF M., ZWIRNMANN E., OVESEN N.B., GLENDELL M., GELBRECHT J., TEIXEIRA DE MELLO F., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I., JEPPESEN E., KRONVANG B. 2015, Interacting effects of climate and agriculture on fluvial DOM in temperate and subtropical catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(5): 2377-2394.

2015.  Lucas, C.M., Jorgensen, J., Kalikoski, D., Fischer, J., Josepuit, H (eds). Fishers’ Knowledge and the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries: Applications, experiences and lessons in Central and South America. FAO Technical Paper No. 591.

 2015.  Lucas, C.M. (editor). Workshop on Fishers’ Knowledge and the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, Panama, Panama, 14-18 October 2013. FAO Workshop Report No.1080.

Crossa, M.; S. Horta,; D. Núñez.; Fischer, J. in press. Piloting of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in a Freshwater Reservoir, Uruguay.IN:

2014. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., LANDKILDEHUS, F., MEERHOFF, M., LAURIDSEN, T. L., ÖZKAN, K., DAVIDSON, T. A., MAZZEO, N., JEPPESEN, E. Fish determine macroinvertebrate food webs and assemblage structure in Greenland subarctic streams. Freshwater Biology, 59: 1830-1842. IF2017= 3.76

2014. JEPPESEN, E., MEERHOFF M., DAVIDSON TA., SØNDERGAARD M., LAURIDSEN TL., BEKLIOGLU., BRUCET S., VOLTA P., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I., NIELSEN A., TROLLE D. Climate change: an integrated ecological perspective on lakes based on multi-faceted approach data. Journal of Limnology, 73:88-111.

2014. TEIXEIRA-DE MELLO F., KRISTENSEN E., MEERHOFF M., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I., BAATTRUP-PEDERSEN A., IGLESIAS C., KRISTENSEN P.B.  MAZZEO N. JEPPESEN, E. Monitoring fish communities in wadeable lowland streams: comparing the efficiency of electrofishing methods at contrasting fish assemblages. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186:1665-1677.

2014. Lucas, C.M. Second Growth: The Promise of Tropical Forest Regeneration in an Age of Deforestation, Robin L. Chazdon. Book Review Biotropica 46(6):771. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/btp.12164/abstract

2014. REPRINT : Lucas, C.M. (2008). Within flood season variation in fruit consumption and seed dispersal by two characin fishes of the Amazon. Biotropica Virtual Issue: Brazil. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1744-7429.2008.00415.x/abstract

2014. Lucas, C.M., J. Schöngart, P. Sheikh, F. Wittmann, M.T.F. Piedade, & D.G. McGrath. Effects of land-use and hydroperiod on aboveground biomass storage and accumulation in secondary Amazonian floodplain forests. Forest Ecology and Management 319:116-127.

2013. CHALAR G., DELBENE L., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I., AROCENA R. Fish assemblage changes along a trophic gradient induced by agricultural activities (Santa Lucía, Uruguay). Ecological Indicators 24:582-588.

2013. TELLECHEA, J.S., TEIXEIRA DE MELLO, F., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., VIDAL N. Sound production in four species of the Loriicaridae family. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 73:679-680.

2013. D’ANATRO, A., VIDAL, N., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., TEIXEIRA DE MELLO, F., TANA, J., NAYA D.E. Geographic and seasonal variation analysis of digestive morphology in the catfish Iheringichthys labrosus along lower Río Uruguay. Open Access Animal Physiology, 5.

2013. SERRA, W.S., ZARUCKI, M., DUARTE, A., BURRESS, E.D., TEIXEIRA-DE-MELLO, F., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., LOUREIRO, M. First report of four characiform fishes (Ostariophysi:Characiformes) for Uruguay. Checklist, 9:1576- 1579.

2013. Lucas, C.M., Bruna, E., C.N. Nascimento. Seedling co-tolerance of multiple stressors in a disturbed tropical floodplain forest. Ecosphere 4(1): art3. www.esajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1890/ES12-00287.1

2012. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., MEERHOFF, M., DAVIDSON, T; TEIXEIRA DE MELLO, F., BAATTRUP- PEDERSEN, A., & E. JEPPESEN. Meta-analysis shows a consistent and strong latitudinal pattern in fish herbivory across ecosystems, Ecosystems, 15:492-503.

2012. MEERHOFF M., TEIXEIRA-DE MELLO F., KRUK C., ALONSO C., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI I., PACHECO JP., LACEROT G., ARIM M., BEKLIOĞLU M., BRUCET S., GOYENOLA G., IGLESIAS C., MAZZEO N., KOSTEN S., JEPPESEN, E. 2012. Environmental warming in shallow lakes: a review of potential changes in community structure as evidenced from space-for-time substitution approaches. Advances in Ecological Research 46:259-349.

2012. Lucas, C.M., F. Mekdeçe, C.N. Nascimento, A.S. Holanda, J. Braga, S. Dias, S. Sousa, P.S. Rosa, C. Suemitsu. The effects of waterlogging and prolonged submergence on seed germination of Amazonian floodplain species. Aquatic Botany 99: 49-55.

2011. TEIXEIRA DE MELLO, F., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I. & F. VIANA. Lenght-weight relationships of 26 fish species from the middle section of Negro River Basin, (Tacuarembo- Durazno, Uruguay). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27:1413-1415.

2011. TELLECHEA J.S., TEIXEIRA DE MELLO, F., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I. & VIDAL, N. Distress call and spine erection in the Neotropical catfish Iheringichthys labrosus-(Pimelodidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 9: 889-894.

2011. Zarucki, M., González-Bergonzoni, I., Teixeira de Mello, F., & M. Loureiro. Fish diversity loss in an urban stream of Uruguay throughout the last century. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 6: 71-75.

2011. Horn, M., S.B. Correa, P. Parolin, B.J.A. Pollux, J.T. Anderson, C. Lucas, P. Widmann, A. Tiju, M. Galetti, and M. Goulding. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate waters: the growing evidence. Acta Oecologia 37:561-577.

2010. JEPPESEN, E., MEERHOFF, M., HOLMGREN, K., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., TEIXEIRA-DE MELLO, F., DECLERCK, S., DE MEESTER, L., SØNDERGAARD, M., LAURIDSEN, T., BJERRING, R., CONDE- PORCUNA, J., MAZZEO, N., Iglesias, C., Reizenstein, M., Malmquist, H., Liu, Z., Balayla, D. & X. Lazzaro. 2010. Impacts of climate warming on lake fish community structure and potential effects on ecosystem function. Hydrobiologia, 646: 73-90.

2010. ZARUCKI, M., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I. TEIXEIRA DE MELLO, F., DUARTE, A., SERRA, S., QUINTANS, F., & M. LOUREIRO. 2010. New records of freshwater fish for Uruguay. Checklist, 6(2): 191-194.

2010. Parolin P, C. Lucas, M.T.F. Piedade, & F. Wittmann. Drought responses of flood-tolerant trees in Amazonian Floodplains. Special Feature: Plant distribution in wetlands in relation to flooding tolerance and microbial processes. Annals of Botany 105(1): 129-139.

2009. GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I., LOUREIRO, M., & S. OVIEDO 2009. A new species of Gymnogeophagus from the Río Negro and Río Tacuari basins, Uruguay (Perciformes, Cichlidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 7(1): 19-24.

2009. TEIXEIRA DE MELLO, F., VIDAL, N., GONZÁLEZ-BERGONZONI, I. & C. IGLESIAS. 2009. Length-weight relationships of eight fish species from the lower section of the Uruguay River (Río Negro, Uruguay). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25: 128-129.

2009. Duchelle, A.E., K. Biedenweg, C. Lucas, J. Radachowsky, D. Wojcik, M. Londres, D. Alvira, W. Bartels, A.Virapongse, and K.A. Kainer. Graduate students and knowledge exchange with local stakeholders: Possibilities and preparation. Biotropica 41(5): 578-585.

2008. Lucas, C.M. Within flood season variation in fruit consumption and seed dispersal by two characin fishes of the Amazon. Biotropica 40(5): 581–589.

2008. Hartter, J., C. Lucas, A. Gaughan, and L.L. Aranda. Detecting tropical dry forest succession in a shifting cultivation mosaic of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Applied Geography 28(2): 134-149. Technical Papers


2011. Teixeira de Mello, F., González-Bergonzoni, I., & M. Loureiro. 2011 Peces de Agua Dulce de Uruguay. Ed. Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca, PPR y Acuario de la Colonia del Sacramento, Montevideo Uruguay, 166pp.

Capítulos de Libros

2017. González-Bergonzoni, I., Naya, D., Vidal, N., Tesitore, G., Stebniki, S., Teixeira de Mello, F.,  D’Anatro A., Efectos de la introducción del mejillón dorado (Limnoperna fortunei) sobre la ecología trófica y fisiología digestiva en peces del río uruguay: efectos desde las especies hasta las comunidades, Rsumen extendido  en libro “Simposio Ecologia, Control y Manejo de Espcies Exoticas Invasoras en Uruguay, del Diagnostico a la Accion”. Editores: Ernesto Brugnoli, Gabriel Laufer,  DINAMA, MVOTMA.

2013. Loureiro, M., Zarucki, M., González-Bergonzoni, I., Vidal, N., Fabiano, G. Capitulo 4: Peces de agua Dulce. En: Soutullo A, C Clavijo,  Martínez-Lanfranco, J.A. (eds.). 2013. Especies prioritarias para la conservación de la biodiversidad en Uruguay: vertebrados, moluscos y plantas vasculares. SNAP/DINAMA/ MVOTMA y DICYT/ MEC, Montevideo. 222 pp.

2010. Zaldúa, N., Rios, M., Teixeira de Mello, F., González-Bergonzoni, I., Miguele, C., Rosano, A., & W. Spinelli. 2010. Evaluación participativa de pesticidas en peces de interés comercial en el sitio RAMSAR. En: Mariana Ríos, Natalia Zaldúa Y Sabrina Cupreiro (Eds.). Evaluación participativa de pesticidas en el Parque Nacional: “Esteros de Farrapos e Islas del Rio Uruguay”. Vida Silvestre Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay: 59-69, ISBN: 9789974758957.

2010. Mazzeo, N., García-Rodríguez, F., Rodríguez, A., Mendez, G., Iglesias, C., Inda, H., Goyenola, G., García, S., Fosalba, C., Marroni, S., Crisci, C., del Puerto, L., Clemente, J., Pacheco, J.P., Carballo, C., Kroger, A., Vianna, M., Meerhoff, M., Steffen, M., Lagomarsino, J.J., Masdeu, M., Vidal, N., Teixeira de Mello, F., González-Bergonzoni, I., & D. Larrea.2010. Estado trófico de la Laguna del Sauce y respuestas asociadas. En: Bases técnicas para el manejo integrado de la Laguna del Sauce y cuenca asociada. Steffen, M., & H. Inda (Eds). Universidad de la Republica & South American Institute for Resilience Studies (SARAS), Montevideo, Uruguay: 31-51, ISBN: 9789974006942